Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Nearly 50 Attend Stream Health Workshops, New Web Tool Online

Nearly 50 people attended workshops in April and May to learn about a Stream Health and Runoff Potential tool designed to estimate stream health and peak stormwater runoff, according to Prof. Toby Carlson who led the workshops.

Based on the workshops and additional work, the Watershed Evaluation Tool website now provides access to three online tools-- the Pennsylvania Nutrient Tool, the Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Tool and the Run-off Modules.

The workshops and the development of the web tools were sponsored by the Penn State Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Environmental Protection through its Watershed Academy, Alliance for Chesapeake Bay, the Consortium for Atlantic Regional Assessment and the Penn State School of Earth and Mineral Sciences and Department of Meteorology.

For more information contact Professor Toby N. Carlson at 814-865-1582, by e-mail to .


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