Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
DRBC Launches Online Reporting System For Water Supply Charges System

The Delaware River Basin Commission is pleased to announce the launch of an online reporting system for its Water Supply Charges Program.  Designed to simplify surface water use reporting for WSCP participants, the new system eliminates the need for the currently used paper reports.

The WSCP includes approximately 400 surface water sources that report either annually or quarterly.  In the new system, each user is assigned a unique, secure log-in, allowing electronic input of water use data and automatic receipt of an invoice based on that data. 

All reporting beginning in 2013 must be completed utilizing the electronic system.  Reporting and payment deadlines remain unchanged.

“The availability of the online reporting system marks the completion of the first step of a multi-phase technology upgrade, which is being undertaken to help DRBC become more efficient and transparent,” said DRBC Executive Director Carol R. Collier.  “While this system was designed specifically for data submittal by WSCP participants, future phases – budget permitting – include online acceptance of project applications and reports and the development of a web portal to easily share electronic information with the public,” Collier continued. 

In May 2011, the commissioners gave the green light for DRBC staff to move ahead with efforts to enhance and update the agency’s information technology capabilities.  URS Corporation was chosen from a pool of 12 potential candidates to work with DRBC staff on the project following a Request for Proposal and Quotation process.

Surface water charges provide the revenue stream the commission needs to repay the debt service and operations and maintenance costs for its water supply storage in two federal multi-purpose reservoirs, Beltzville and Blue Marsh, as well as administrative and staff costs related to the protection and preservation of the basin's water quantity and quality.  Storage in Beltzville and Blue Marsh reservoirs is utilized in the commission's lower basin drought operating plan.

Details on the reporting system, including step-by-step instructions, can be found on the Commission’s website.


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