Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
PPL: October Is National Energy Awareness Month, Special Events Planned

From farms to factories, hospitals to homes and everything in between, life as we know it would not be possible without energy.

And that energy gets top billing this month during National Energy Awareness Month, a time meant to take stock of the vital role that all energy — including electricity — plays in our lives. The month-long observance spotlights the essential role of energy in society and encourages ways to use it more efficiently.

As the electric delivery company for nearly 1.4 million customers in central and eastern Pennsylvania, PPL Electric Utilities understands the vital role power plays in the everyday lives of the communities it serves.

“We’ve been in the business of educating customers about energy efficiency for a long time. It’s always been the right thing to do,” said Thomas C. Stathos, director of Customer Programs and Services for the utility. “National Energy Awareness Month lets us focus on that part of our job even more and continue to spread the word on how easy it can be to save energy and money.”

During the month, visit for energy efficiency tips. Tips also can be found on the PPL Electric Utilities Twitter feed (@pplelectric) and on the utility’s Facebook page. And, customers always can benefit from using PPL Electric Utilities’ Energy Analyzer, a tool that tracks energy use and provides timely information and tips.

In addition, the utility’s E-power team will be at more than 30 locations during the month with energy-savings information and compact fluorescent light bulb giveaways.

More energy learning opportunities also are scheduled. PPL’s Wallenpaupack Environmental Learning Center will present a free program at 10 a.m. on October 13 on how the lake was built and how it generates electricity. The program, which also discusses the recreational opportunities around the lake, includes a tour of the dam. It will be held rain or shine. For more details, call 570-253-7076 or email

The PPL Susquehanna Energy Information Center near Berwick will host a free program at 1 p.m. October 27 on home energy efficiency. A new SmartHouse will demonstrate energy efficiency techniques using video displays and interactive cutouts. Children also can participate in energy games and learn how to stay safe around electricity. All participants will receive a free CFL light bulb for attending.  For more information, call 1-866-832-3312 or email

With more and more appliances and electronic devices in homes, electric demand continues to rise, making efficiency more important than ever. PPL Electric Utilities’ energy education and efficiency programs and services strive to reach diverse demographics.

“Our offerings range from focusing on energy efficiency education for students and teachers to programs to help low-income customers, residential and business customers, and much more,” Stathos said. “Every customer sector can benefit.”

To help keep electric service safe and reliable, the utility plans to invest more than $3.6 billion over the next five years in its delivery network. The work includes building new lines and substations, upgrading others, and installing automated equipment to help the system work smarter and faster.


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