Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
$5 Million Left To Raise To Complete Flight 93 National Memorial

The National Park Foundation's Flight 93 National Memorial Campaign announced Monday $5 million in private funding is still needed to complete the Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville, PA.

Since 2005, the National Park Foundation, the official charity of America's national parks, has worked with its partners and over 100,000 donors to raise funds to build the permanent memorial honoring the heroes of Flight 93 and September 11. 

Once raised, the funds will complete the Memorial's original design features including a Learning Center that will more fully tell the story of Flight 93 and a 'Tower of Voices' with forty wind chimes to be located at the entrance to the Memorial.

"Five million dollars remain to be raised to protect this sacred ground and final resting place of those aboard Flight 93," said Neil Mulholland, President and CEO of the National Park Foundation. "This last wave of support will ensure that these true American heroes will never be forgotten, and that future generations will have a place to reflect and learn from their brave and selfless actions."

For more information about the events around September 11, 2012, please visit the Flight 93 National Memorial webpage and for more information on the Flight 93 National Memorial, and how to support the campaign, please go to the Flight 93 National Memorial Campaign website.

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