Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Drillers Pay $201 Million Of $205 Million They Owe In Drilling Fees

The Public Utility Commission Thursday reported Marcellus Shale drilling companies have paid $201.7  million of the $205.7 million they owe in drilling impact fees to the Commonwealth for wells drilling through 2011.  Fees were due September 1.

The state will take about $25 million off the top. Sixty percent of what's left will be split among 37 counties and some 1,500 municipalities hosting gas wells.  The rest of the fee revenue will be split among state agencies dealing with drilling impacts.

The PUC data shows 58 drillers owed money. Of those, the PUC said, 17 were delinquent. The agency said a subsidiary of Houston-based Carrizo Oil & Gas Inc. had the largest unpaid bill of $3 million, though company spokesman Richard Hunter said Monday the check has already been mailed.

The drillers' next payment is due April 1 for wells drilled in 2012.

Click Here for a copy of the PUC report of fees paid to date.

For more information, visit the PUC’s Marcellus Shale Drilling Law webpage.

NewsClips: Drilling Impact Fees Raises More Than $200 Million

                    PA Gas Drillers Paying $200 Million In Fees For Wells

                    PA Shale Impact Fees Surpass Estimates

                    Drillers Pay Nearly $200 Million In 2011 Impact Fees

                    PA Impact Fee Will Generate More Than $200 Million

                    Natural Gas Firms Paid Nearly $200 Million In Fees

                    Shale Impact Fee Generates More Than Expected

                    PA Could Be Raising Twice As Much Revenue From Drilling

                    PUC Collects An Additional $4 Million In Drilling Fees

                    Editorial: State Still Short-Changed On Drilling Fees


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