Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
DEP Accepting Comments On Draft Phase 2 Chesapeake Watershed Implementation Plan

The Department of Environmental Protection is now accepting comments on Pennsylvania’s Draft Phase 2 Chesapeake Watershed Implementation Plan.  (formal notice)
            Comments will be accepted from December 17 to January 30.  DEP submitted the draft Phase 2 WIP to the Environmental Protection Agency December 15.
            The draft Phase 2 WIP outlines the state’s plan to ensure that local partners are aware of the WIP strategies, understand their contribution to meeting the Total Maximum Daily Limits (TMDL) allocations, and have been provided with the opportunity to suggest any refinements to the WIP strategies.
            The draft Phase 2 WIP was developed to meet EPA’s August 1 revised nutrient and sediment allocations for the TMDL. The allocations are the result of EPA’s development of a revised Watershed Model. 
            The department met with Pennsylvania leaders from local organizations, such as conservation districts, municipalities, planning commissions and authorities, in order to devise the Phase 2 WIP.  The department's general approach was to engage groups in discussions about the level of effort needed to meet TMDL goals. The discussions resulted in the department receiving valuable new input and ideas that shaped the formation of this draft Phase 2 WIP.
            A copy of the draft Plan is available online.  Visit DEP's Chesapeake Bay Program webpage for more background.
            Written comments should be submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection, Interstate Waters Office, P. O. Box 2063, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2063, or send e-mail to: A return name and address must be included in each email transmission. Comments submitted by facsimile will not be accepted.


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