Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Calendar Of Events

Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted.  NEW means new from last week.  Go to the online Calendar webpage.

NOTE: In this budget season, Committee meetings can happen at anytime without any notice to move any bill that might be part of a budget agreement.

Click on Agenda Released on calendar entries to see the NEW meeting agendas published this week.

June 20-- NEWSenate Appropriations Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 995 (Baker-R-Luzerne) requiring the posting of certain emergency information for each gas well, House Bill 143 (Major-R-Susquehanna) amending Act 319 to authorize the splitting off of land for noncoal mining, House Bill 144 (Pickett-R-Bradford) amending Act 319 to authorize taxation of oil and gas well production.  Rules Room.  Off the Floor.

June 21-- NEW. House State Government Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 263 (Erickson-R-Delaware) requiring data to support rulemakings.  Room B-31. 10:00.

June 21-- NEW. Senate Local Government Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 394 (Brubaker-R-Lancaster) further providing for local authority to preserve open space.  Room 8E-A East Wing.  10:00.

June 21-- CANCELEDEnvironmental Quality Board meeting.  Next scheduled meeting is July 19.  (formal notice)

June 21-- Agenda Released. DEP Citizens Advisory Council meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  11:00.

June 22--  Board for Certification of Water and Wastewater Systems Operators meeting. 11th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building.  10:00.  (formal notice)

June 23-- NEW. DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee, Land Use and Transportation Subcommittee meeting.  15th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building.  1:00.  (formal notice)

June 23-- Agenda Released. DEP Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  9:15.

June 23-- Susquehanna River Basin Commission meeting/hearing.  Cecil College Conference Center, North East, MD.  8:30.  (formal notice)

June 24-- PA Energy Development Authority meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  10:00.  (formal notice)

June 27-- Governor's Marcellus Shale Commission  Local Impact and Emergency Response Work Group meeting.  2nd Floor Training Room, Rachel Carson Building.  10:00.

June 28-- Governor's Marcellus Shale Commission Public Health, Safety and Environmental Protection Work Group meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  10:00.

June 29-- Governor's Marcellus Shale Commission Infrastructure Work Group meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  10:00.

June 30-- Governor's Marcellus Shale Commission Economic and Workforce Development Work Group meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  10:00.

July 12-- NEW. DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee, Energy Production, Transmission and Distribution Subcommittee meeting.  15th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building.  1:30.  (formal notice)

July 14-- New Location.  DEP Mining and Reclamation Advisory Board meeting.  Elk County Visitor Center, Benezette.  9:00.  (formal notice)

August 23-- DEP Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  10:00. (formal notice)

August 25-- DEP Water Resources Advisory Committee meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  9:30.  (formal notice)

September 16-- CANCELED. DEP Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  10:00. (formal notice)

December 6-- DEP Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  10:00. (formal notice)

You can watch the Senate Floor Session and House Floor Session live online.


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