Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Grade 6-9 Entries Invited For National Write On! Wetlands Challenge

Each year Environmental Concern sponsors the national Write On! Wetlands Challenge – a literary and arts competition that challenges youth to write and illustrate a children’s book about wetlands. 
            Environmental Concern publishes the new book in May, to celebrate American Wetlands Month.
            The Writer's Challenge has begun. This year's theme is "World Wide Wetlands."  Students in grades 6-9 are welcome to enter their stories by February 1.
            The Illustrator's Challenge begins in March when children are invited to illustrate a page of the story. Illustrations are chosen from among the entries and the winning words and art are combined to create a book whose quality, emotion and enthusiasm is truly inspiring. 
            Children love these books. Not only do they foster an appreciation for wetlands, they also empower all who read them or have them read to them to create.
            For more information, visit the 2011 Write On! competition webpage.


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