Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Get A Sneak Peek At The 2011 Great American Cleanup Pennsylvania Website

Get a sneak peek at the plans for the 2011 Great American Cleanup Pennsylvania by going to the brand new website put together by Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful and its partners.

            Remember, registered events can get free cleanup supplies like bags, gloves and vests donated by the Department of Transportation and Keep America Beautiful.
            During the special Pick It Up PA Days from April 16 to 30 sponsored by the Department of Environmental Protection, Pennsylvania Waste Industries Association and participating landfills will also have access to free waste disposal.
            Since the inception of this event in 2004, over one million volunteers have pick up 54 million pounds of litter and waste, 93,000 miles of road have been cleaned, and 73,000 trees, bulbs, and flowers have been planted.
            Primary sponsors of the event include: Pennsylvania Food Merchants Association, Pennsylvania Waste Industry Association, Pennsylvania Beverage Association, American Chemistry Council, Keystone Sanitary Landfill, Steel Recycling Institute, Waste Management in addition to the departments of Environmental Protection and Transportation.


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