Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
PA Partnership Forming to Promote No-Till Conservation Practices

A coalition of eight public, industry and academic organizations is forming a PA No-Till Alliance and inviting producers, agri-buiness, consultants, conservation districts and other interest groups to become members.

The coalition will hold an informational meeting on March 4 in Spring Mills, Center County from 9:30 to 6:00.

So far, the coalition is made up of the Penn State Cooperative Extension Service, PA Farm Bureau, PA Association of RC&D Councils, Department of Environmental Protection, PennAg Industries Association, Penn State Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, the Natural Resources Conservation Service and Cedar Meadow Farms.

The initial goals of the Alliance include: information exchange between no-tillers in PA and throughout the country, sharing of new technology and research as well as input regarding sediment and nutrient management issues related to agriculture. The Alliance will also help to coordinate and support activities between regional no-till groups and partners within the Commonwealth.

For more information about the upcoming meeting and the proposed Alliance, contact: Susan Parry, Capital Resource Conservation and Development Coordinator, at 717-948-6633 or by email to: .

(Courtesy of Andrea Sharretts, Director Natural Resources, PA Farm Bureau)

Attachment:   Letter of Invitation + Registration Form


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