Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
PUC Tentatively Approves Partial Settlement In PECO Fluorescent Light Bulb Program
The Public Utility Commission this week tentatively approved a partial settlement that calls for the expedited approval of the fluorescent light bulb distribution program in PECO's Act 129 energy efficiency and conservation plan.

"In my opinion, it is important the Commission do everything in its power to assist the Commonwealth's electric distribution companies in achieving their Act 129 goals, particularly in instances when the EDCs can enhance their plans with little or no additional incremental costs to customers," said Commissioner Robert F. Powelson in a motion. "These goals are too important for us to simply act as regulators; we must also act as partners with EDCs to the extent possible and appropriate."

The Commission voted 5-0 to tentatively approve a partial settlement that provides for early approval of PECO's CFL initiative in order to participate in the 2009 Energy Star "Change a Light, Change the World" program. The CFL portion of PECO's plan represents about 60 percent of its projected savings for the first year of the EE&C plan. PECO projects $158 million in total benefits from the CFL program with an estimated cost of about $47 million.

The partial settlement addresses only the CFL portion of the company's overall EE&C proposal before the Commission for consideration. Under the partial settlement, the costs of the program are deferred for later consideration.

The partial settlement was reached between PECO and interveners in the company's EE&C plan such as the Office of Consumer Advocate, the PUC's Office of Trial Staff, the City of Philadelphia and Citizens for Pennsylvania's Future. Those interveners who were not a part of the partial settlement have indicated they do not oppose it.

The comment period for the overall EE&C plan ends August 7, 2009. If no adverse comment or answers are filed during that comment period, the partial settlement will become effective with no further action by the Commission. If adverse comments or answers are filed, the settlement is denied and referred back to the PUC's Office of Administrative Law Judge for further proceedings.

Under Act 129, the seven including PECO largest Pennsylvania EDCs were required to file plans detailing how they intend to achieve consumption and peak demand reductions. The EE&C plans were to be designed to help the EDCs meet established electricity consumption reduction targets of 1 percent by May 31, 2011, and 3 percent by May 31, 2013. The EDCs also are required to meet a 4.5 percent reduction in peak demand by May 31, 2013. Peak demand is defined as the systems top 100 hours of highest demand.

Visit the PUC's Act 129 webpage for more information or go to PECO's website.


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