Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Consumer Energy Education Plans OK’d For Duquesne, FirstEnergy Companies

The Public Utility Commission this week gave final approval to consumer-education plans for Duquesne Light Co. and the FirstEnergy Companies of Met-Ed, Penelec and Penn Power, related to rising electric prices and resources to help consumers, such as energy conservation, low-income programs and choice.

In May 17, 2007 the Commission directed all electric distribution companies to prepare and file a consumer-education plan by December 31, 2007, for Commission review and approval. The plans were required to include eight specific Energy Education Standards and propose appropriate budget levels and cost recovery mechanism.

The intention is to prepare Pennsylvanians for electric price increase mitigation and to educate consumers on energy conservation.

On June 5 the Commission tentatively approved the plans, opening up the FirstEnergy plan to a 30-day comment period. The Commission extended the comment period for Duquesne to 45 days and required the company to file a supplement addressing choice education.

Comments were filed on both plans by the PUC’s Consumer Advisory Council, the state’s Office of Consumer Advocate, the state’s Office of Small Business Advocate and the Pennsylvania Utility Law Project. Duquesne and FirstEnergy both filed reply comments.

For more information on these and other company education plans, visit the PUC Consumer-Education Plans webpage


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